Wednesday 1 January 2014

Marriage as appointed by God

The church believes that marriage is a GIFT OF GOD in creation and a means of grace in  which man and woman become one in heart, mind and body.
Marriage is the sacred and life long union of a man and woman (till death do us apart)who gives themselves to the mystery of the union between Christ and the church.
Marrige is given that husband and wife may enrich and encourage each other in every part of their life together. Marriage is given that with delight and tenderness they may know each other in love and through physical union may strengthen the union of their live.
  Marriage is given that children may be born and brought up in security, and love, that home and family life may be strengthened and that society may be upon firm foundation.
Marriage is a way of life which all people should Honour, it is not to be entered into lightly or selfishly, but responsibly and in the love of God.
Contrary is the case of marriage today, many takes marriage for granted as a contract, if we are no longer compatible then we should divorce each other but that is the problem bedeviling families today and society since families are not on firm foundation , as God intended in Genesis 2: 20-25.
Therefore, there are no better way to make man and woman happy except, through marrige, families should by all means either in developed countries or developing countries, in richies or in penury keep your marriage vows for better love, happiness and good security, in the family, society and world at large.

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